Artifact d4184e45c77ef5f048eb5e7c77513cb08d3bd843:
Wiki page
Haiku API Bindings] by
2017-11-02 23:58:31.
D 2017-11-02T23:58:31.531
L Haiku\sAPI\sBindings
U jalopeura
W 897
Welcome to the Haiku API Bindings website.
There are several ways to get the bindings.
* The easiest is the [|Healynet repository].
* You can also install it from your language's central module repository; i.e. [|CPAN] or [https:/|PyPI].
* You can download the source directly [/uv/downloads.html|here] and build it yourself.
* You can always clone the repository and build it from there.
* If you prefer git, you can clone our read-only git mirror. (In progress.)
Documentation is available via the menu link above. It can also be [/uv/downloads.html|downloaded] for offline viewing.
We also have sample code: [http://localhost:8080/dir?ci=trunk&name=perl/samples|Perl] [http://localhost:8080/dir?ci=trunk&name=python/samples|Python]. (The sample code is included in the offline documentation zip file.)
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